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Recruitment Analysis

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Process 1 :There must be minimum two Directors .
Process 2 : To make company registration, you need to have DIN Number for Both Directors.
Process 3 : After getting DIN number, Please get the knowledge about , is there any Agency in your place they are doing ROC and e-filing. If there, go and get information about DSC .
Process 4 : Digital Signature means, You need to DSC for any one Director to have the authority for all process and functions in the company.
If you consult with auditor for DSC, he will explain whole process and how to get In their site ?
DSC – This Kit having One CD and One USB Token. ( Keep it very safe and secure).
If want more details about DSC, log on to www.mca.gov.in
Process 5 : After finishing all process, Please to MCA21 nearby to your place for further guidelines. They need the following documents like DIN of both directors, DSC kit. They will guide you to make further step of Making Form 1A .
FORM 1A – This form refers to the Both Directors Details ( Full name, Father Name, Present & Permanent Communication address , etc . and In that form there should be 6 options for naming of the company . Please fill the company name along with the Process. (for eg: Ramco Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Here, Ramco is the company name and Technologies is the Process ( software process) , Pvt is the Private company. Like that you need to give 6 different names option. Next, The Authorised capital for your company have Rs. 1 Lakh.
To have to see the Form 1A . go to www.mca.gov.in , there you see the Download E-forms with Logo blinking ( red & Green).Form 1A should be in the format Pdf. After filling all the details in the Form 1A , please consult with MCA21 person, they ask you to save Pdf file in you system. After that, they will ask you DSC kit for usb token.
After that, the Prcoess will be finished and send the Pdf document for www.mca.gov.in for Name registration.
For Name registration, the Process time will 24-48 hours time, you will get to know the details by surfing you mail.
After name Registration successfully completed, You need go for Form 16 and Form 32.
Finally, if all process mentioned above completed. Please consult with one genuine auditor for further process.
Process 6 : The auditor ask us to Make memorandum of Articles ( MOA) .It means, MOA should have details about our company ‘s nature of work etc.. If the company has already started before, you need to furnish previous ledger , accounts, transactions, bank statement , vendor details, client detail etc to the auditor.
DIN – We can create DIN No. for our director at our side. Suppose, if you consult with the auditor , they will charge Rs. 500 /- for each direcor.
DSC – You need get the CD from Agency of ROC for the amount of Rs. 2100 / -approx. for one year. For two year, Rate should differ. After one year, you need to reneval in the same ROC agency.
FORM 1A – Free of cost, consulting with MCA21 .
MOA & Extra – Auditor’s choice , depends upon their opinion and your company work. Approx Max . 20,000 /-.
What is the making use of Company to be registered?
Without Registration, we cannot run a company for long time. Suppose, if you have a client in abroad , he needs to know about your company . Without registration, he doesn’t get any information or knowledge about your company until unless in the website.
For Getting Bank Loans for Company infrastructure and company needs , the bankers should think and process should take long on behalf of company registration.
To getting more business from client, you need to do registration then only it will get display in website, blog, banner, event, public etc…
To make salary account for your employee, the minimum payroll in your company should have 20 .

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