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Friday, September 7, 2007

How to…lead your boss

There was a time when our line managers had done our job, had come through the ranks and therefore knew more than we did. But no longer. In these days of instant communication, globalisation and ever-increasing customer demands, we are all required to be adaptable, responsible, and accountable. Organisations are more complex, careers typically span several organisations, and we are much more able to change our career focus.

Against this background, upward leadership (by which I mean leadership of one's boss, rather than in the traditional sense of leadership of one's team members) assumes much greater significance, yet it is a topic that is rarely discussed and debated. With the demands of the marketplace getting steeper, and the speed of change - technological or otherwise - getting faster, it's not feasible for our line managers to know everything. It is increasingly up to us to lead them. Doing so is not easy, but there are ways to make the task less daunting.

All organisations have rules and ways of doing business, written and unwritten. Make sure you understand what they are and why they are there. You'll save yourself time and effort as it allows you to concentrate on the areas where you can make a real difference. Understanding the rules of the game will make upward leading much easier. But remember to remain positive and proactive, even if a change you think is desperately needed seems a long time coming.

Know what makes your boss tick, what matters to them, what keeps them awake at night, what their wider interests are and what pressures they are under. If you merely bang on about your own issues without understanding the wider ramifications to your boss, then you won't get very far. When you understand what motivates your boss, judging how to lead them is much easier.
If there's one thing that makes all the other tips hang together, then it's this one. You don't have to like your boss, but (if you know what makes them tick) you can still build a rapport. Earn their trust too, by delivering what is expected of you and by being open and honest. Make sure you are really good at what you do so that your boss respects what you do. Give your thoughts and ideas freely without expecting anything in return - you'll actually get lots back by doing so.

Make sure that your proposals have a business spin-off in terms of the bottom line or in the way people work. The extent to which you do this depends on your boss's particular style - how do they like their information? Are they interested in the idea or the outcome, the people or the bottom line? Find out and adapt to their style so that you can influence them in the areas they really care about.

Leaders need truth, fact and reality if they are to make sound decisions. Often the truth is hidden from our managers because we are afraid of the impact it may have. What we're actually saying when we do this is "we don't think that you can stand the truth" and in doing so we belittle and demean them. What we need to do is to be straight, and raise concerns in the appropriate way. The alternative (being underhand) will eventually backfire.

You won't earn your boss's respect by bringing them all your problems. While they might like solving a crisis (some really enjoy the challenge), over time they'll come to resent the fact that you're eating into their time and giving them more work. They'll also wonder whether you're really up to the task. So, go to them with solutions and recommendations, backed up by the impact that your recommendations will have on the business.

There are things that your boss will do better than you, and others where you're the expert. Work as a partnership by identifying with your boss what you are good at and agreeing the freedom that you have to operate. Become a team and develop an atmosphere that allows for an open and frank exchange of ideas. Once you've identified your boundaries, your own task will be much easier. However, remember to keep your boss informed. Keep them in the dark and there's a much greater chance that they will become concerned and start reeling your freedom back in.

It's been said that what every employee needs is a damn good listening to! That includes your boss, so be prepared to spend time to use your questioning skills and really listen to them. What are they going to be judged by? What pressures are they under? How can you help them? How do they like to be kept informed? Are they happy to delegate or do they do it simply because they are expected to? These are all questions to ask which will make leading them much easier.
Keep on going with those things that you truly believe in. Stick to your values and your boss will appreciate your input and recognise that you are not merely saying what you think he/she wants you to say. This is the most valuable service you can provide and any boss worth working for will rate this highly. Make sure that your input is for the benefit of all and for the company, and remember that humility is a great asset. Don't be afraid to admit when you've got something wrong. If people know you, they'll realise that your actions were for the right motive and you'll earn their respect if you admit mistakes. Key points • Understand the organisation and its constraints in order to work out how you can make a real difference. • Concentrate on the things that are within your influence. • Understand your boss, their learning style and how they like information passed to them. • Link your contribution to the bottom line. • Build a real rapport with your boss so you can speak openly and honestly with them. • Deliver solutions, not problems.

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