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Recruitment Analysis

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Avoid the 10 Most Common Interview Mistakes:

By University of California Berkeley Career Center staff You've made it through the first hurdle-the resume screen-and now it's time for the interview. For many job seekers, the interview is the single most stressful part of the job search process. Any number of things can go wrong, and a big part of being successful is avoiding simple mistakes. Recruiters share the 10 most common mistakes job seekers make and how to avoid them.

1. Failure to research the company Recruiters say that they expect candidates to spend at least one hour doing research on their web sites and reading about their companies via other web sites (see Fortune Magazine, Bloomberg, Wetfeet Press, and Vault Reports). Do your homework before the interview; know what the company does, and who their competitors are. "If students have not taken the time to review the employer web site and understand what we are recruiting for, they reduce their chances of continuing on through the interview process," said one recruiter,

2. Being unclear on which job you are interviewing for Become familiar with the job description so you can explain how your experiences, talents, strengths, and abilities will connect with company needs. Highlight how you're suited to that particular job.

3. Not marketing yourself Define yourself. What makes you different from other job candidates? Know your major strengths and accomplishments as they relate to the job you are applying for and the company.

4. Asking silly questions Have at least three or four intelligent questions to ask the recruiter. It's OK (it actually leaves a positive impression with the recruiter) to have them written down in advance and to reference them at the appropriate time. Interviews are an exchange of information, and arriving without questions shows that you did not prepare for the whole interview.

5. Dressing inappropriately for the interview Professional attire and attention to detail still count. You can never be too professional. Remember that everything-your appearance, your tone of voice, your conduct-contribute to the impression (positive or negative) that you make. Be presentable. Wear a pressed suit and shirt and polished shoes.

6. Trying to wing the interview Practice! Get a list of general interview questions, a friend, a tape recorder, and a mirror and conduct an interview rehearsal. Practice until your delivery feels comfortable, not canned.

7. Not being yourself Be yourself and be honest! Don't pretend to understand a question or train of thought if you don't. If you don't know an answer, say so. Relax and be yourself. Remember you're interviewing the company, too.

8. Listening poorly Focus on the question that is being asked and don't try to anticipate the next one. It's OK to pause and collect your thoughts before answering a question. Pay special attention to technical- or work-process-related subjects that are unique to a given firm or organization. The interviewer may have provided information you will need to answer the question earlier in the conversation. Employers will be looking for your ability to assimilate new information, retain it, and, most importantly, recognize that information as useful to you later in the interview.

9. Offering too little detail When answering case questions or technical questions or solving technical problems, take the time to "talk through" your thought processes. Recruiters are interested in seeing how your mind works and how it attacks a problem. Interviewers consistently place a high value on students who articulate their problem-solving process. These individuals receive job offers more often than those who could solve the problem but fail to verbalize their thinking.

10. Lacking enthusiasm Maintain eye contact, greet the interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake (not too weak, not too strong), and show common courtesy. Don't be afraid to display your passion for the job/industry and to show confidence.

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